Sparkle Studios News
Well done to all of students who took their theory exams and who all passed with distinction; with lessons taught solely online via skype and with the sparkle online whiteboard! We are so proud! #sparkleonlinetheory #skypemusictheory🎼📝📚🎉🏅
Well done to all of students who took their theory exams and who all passed with distinction; with lessons taught solely online via skype and with the sparkle online whiteboard! We are so proud! #sparkleonlinetheory #skypemusictheory🎼📝📚🎉🏅
Well done to all of our higher grade students who took their piano exams last week at Scunthorpe and Nottingham! 100 percent passes for every student, all grades 6-8
Well done to all of our higher grade students who took their piano exams last week at Scunthorpe and Nottingham! 100 percent passes for every student, all grades 6-8! Amazing results, after lots of hard work and all via skype lessons! You are all brilliant and we couldn’t be more proud! #sparklefamily #sparklepiano #sparkleteenagesuperstars
Well done to all of our amazing students who took the Summer exams at the Boston Centre!
30th June 2021
Well done to all of our students who took their ABRSM exams at the Boston Centre, you were all amazing! Well done to Kai who passed both grade 5 flute and grade 3 piano on the same day! Also well done Alice who passed grade 1 piano! #sparklefamily #sparklepiano #sparkleflute